Enable Two-Step Generation and also limit to a
Random From Generation
Random From Type
Random From Habitat
Generation 1
(Ignored during "Specific" and "All" Generation)
Limit to Pokemon with 0 1 2 Evolutions Left (Ignored during "Specific" Generation)
Include Legendaries (Ignored during "Specific" Generation)
Include Starters (Ignored during "Specific" Generation)
Include TMs | Amount to include:
Random (0-3)
Specific Nature: Cuddly (+HP, -Atk) Distracted (+HP, -Def) Proud (+HP, -SpAtk) Decisive (+HP, -SpDef) Patient (+HP, -Speed) Depserate (+Atk, -HP) Lonely (+Atk, -Def) Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk) Naughty (+Atk, -SpDef) Brave (+Atk, -Speed) Stark (+Def, -HP) Bold (+Def, -Atk) Impish (+Def, -SpAtk) Lax (+Def, -SpDef) Relaxed (+Def, -Speed) Curious (+SpAtk, -HP) Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk) Mild (+SpAtk, -Def) Rash (+SpAtk, -SpDef) Quiet (+SpAtk, -Speed) Dreamy (+SpDef, -HP) Calm (+SpDef, -Atk) Gentle (+SpDef, -Def) Careful (+SpDef, -SpAtk) Sassy (+SpDef, -Speed) Skittish (+Speed, -HP) Timid (+Speed, -Atk) Hasty (+Speed, -Def) Jolly (+Speed, -SpAtk) Naive (+Speed, -SpDef) Composed (+HP, -HP) Hardy (+Atk, -Atk) Docile (+Def, -Def) Bashful (+SpAtk, -SpAtk) Quirky (SpDef+, -SpDef) Serious (+Speed, -Speed)
Random Shiny Chance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pokemon